Another t-shirt

They're made out of meat!

(With fond regards for Terry Bisson)

Simple and bold, this shirt is perfect for making friends with cannibals. It would also be ideal for coping with a desert island/mountainous plane crash survival* situation.

*Your friends' survival, obviously, not yours. Now that's altruism.


  1. Wait, I can't buy one? Oh no!

    When you get around to making these, please poke Boing Boing again. And I'd like mine in some color other than white, please!

  2. Yes, yes! I've got to have two or more! I agree with the colors comment... a nice blood red with white graphics perhaps?

  3. Thanks for your enthusiasm; I'll see that these get printed somehow!

    I've just submitted this design to In a day or two, it should go up for voting. If, after a week, enough people have given it a high rating, the shirt will get printed. So please go and vote for it here:

    Failing that, I'll print them elsewhere and put them up for sale on the Boing Boing Bazaar (C. Doctorow has kindly offered to include them).
    And there's no reason why they shouldn't be available in several different colours, so everyone can be happy.


  4. I would also buy one of these. I, for one, like the white.

  5. This shirt also works for vegans :D ... in the spirit of ... if you are looking to increase sales.

  6. Any luck on getting this printed?

  7. I teach A&P, and I would also love to get one of these, if you ever manage to get them printed.

  8. Gotta have shirt! Where can I obtain one ~ or perhaps more ~ to irritate my vegan friends ;D
